Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)

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Caustic Soda Pearls also known as sodium hydroxide or lye is a white solid ideal for use in cleaning. Direct Chems provides premium quality Caustic soda, a highly corrosive alkaline effective in dissolving fats and grease. The substance needs to be handled correctly as reactions with water does releases heat however this aggressive nature also makes it is an excellent cleaning ingredient for your household.

We use UN approved packaging which is designed for hazardous goods to ship this product, we hold safety as a high importance for our customers. For more information, please visit the technical tab.

Please email us at if you are looking for a full pallet.

Please note this product can not be sold to anyone under the age of 18. There is an age verification process during check out and ID is required during delivery.

Warning- Delivery restricted in certain areas, No delivery to Scottish highlands, Northern Ireland or any islands due to specialist hazardous goods courier. Please visit hazardous goods in Delivery policy tab.


Thanks for visiting us at the cleaning show 2023!

Storage - Store in a cool, dry place below 25°C.

Download the MSDS HERE.

Download COSHH statement HERE.

Download Product Specification HERE

1 KG

Packaging - UN approved fluorinated bottle

Bottle dimensions - 223mmx88.5mm

Bottle material - High density polyethylene

5 KG

Packaging - UN approved fluorinated bottle x 5

Bottle dimensions - 223mmx88.5mm

Bottle material - High density polyethylene

25 KG

Packaging - UN approved fluorinated jerry can x 5

Jerry can dimensions - 285mmx186mm

Jerry can material - High density polyethylene

Please wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection before handling this product.

BBQ Grill/Oven cleaner

Mix 25g of caustic soda and 1 litres of cold water very carefully as the solution will release heat and then you can pour into a spray bottle. Apply to built up grease and let it sit for 10 minutes, the caustic soda will dissolve the fats and you can just wipe the excess and let it dry.


Bins, kennels, stables, driveways, industrial kitchen

Add 1-2 tablespoons caustic soda per 5 litres of water. Scrub area with solution then rinse with cold water.

Soap making

Caustic soda can be used in soap making as a base, through a process called saponification, caustic soda when in contact with fats/oils results in soap. The caustic soda can be mixed carefully with water to produce lye water but precaution must be taken as this reaction releases heat and then the lye water can be combined with the relevant oils. Let the soap rest for 24 hours to harden.

Watch tutorial HERE

Toilet/ Drain cleaner

Caustic soda has the ability to dissolve fats as it gets washed away with the solution which in turn rids the pipe of any grease. Hair can also clog the drains, but caustic soda easily hydrolyses the protein in hair which can help keep the drains clear.

Add 25g of caustic soda to 1 litre of water and stir gently with a wooden spoon. Do not use these containers and utensils for any cooking-related purposes later on. Avoid using your hands to stir the mixture.

Slowly pour into the drain, leave undisturbed for 30 minutes then rinse with 4 litres of boiling water. Repeat if necessary.

Watch tutorial HERE

Outside Drain Cleaner

Add 3 cups (750ml) of caustic soda to 3 litres of water and stir gently with a wooden spoon. Do not use these containers and utensils for any cooking-related purposes later on. Avoid using your hands to stir the mixture.

Pour immediately into the drain, leave undisturbed for 30 minutes then rinse with 4 litres of boiling water.

Take precaution when using.

To see the general uses of Caustic Soda click HERE

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